Betty Fairfax High School is looking to add FR/SO Baseball and Softball Games. We are willing to host or travel for games and add two games if needed to help fill your schedule.
Email John-Martin Rigsby to schedule!
Thank you.
Nogales High School is looking for baseball and softball scrimmages for the upcoming spring season.
VCS is looking for a softball scrimmage. We can host or travel. Please contact Greg Haagsma at .
Skyline high school boys volleyball is looking for a scrimmage
North Valley Christian Academy is looking for a few more boys volleyball matches to complete our schedule. This is our first year for boys volleyball, we are willing to host or travel. Please contact Teresa Collins at
Valley High School in Sanders, AZ is looking for a softball touranment to add to our schedule this year looking for 1A-3A teams. Contact Sean Manuelito AD at
Apache Junction is looking for one more varsity baseball game to add to our schedule. The perferred date is April 16th or 17th, but we can be flexible if needed.
Yuma Catholic is looking to add boys and girls tennis matches. Anyone interested needs to contact Athletic Director Jeff Welsing at or 928-317-7906.
We are looking for some more tennis games for both boys and girls varsity teams. We are tight on our location, so away games are preferred, but we still have some available dates for home games.
Please contact our Mr. Gurule if you are interested in scheduling at and copy Mr. LeFebre at
Thank you!
Notre Dame Prep would like to invite your team to join the Saints Classic BVB Tournament.
This year's play will be on March 1.
All teams are guaranteed 4 matches.
The cost is $300 per team.
Chris Moon Memorial Baseball Tournament
When: March 18-21
Where: Cherry Field
Cost: $750
5 Games Guarantee
Please send interest email to Stephanie Miller,
Wolves Classic Baseball Tournament
When :April 3,4,5
Where: Estrella Foothills HS
Cost: $500
4 Games Guarantee ( pool play with Bracket play on Sat.)
Please send interest email to Bill Wright, william.wright or leave a message at 623-269-1212